Cramer tilts on Scandinavia (was Re: When and How the Jewish People Was Invented?, by Tel Aviv University historian, Prof. Shlomo Sand)
(too old to reply)
Eli Grubman
2008-12-08 10:49:13 UTC
Did what?????
No, fool. My argument is based on the fact that there are roughly
twice as
many people in the Nordic countries than there are Jews in the entire
world. Thus the probability of a surname containing <berg> indicating
Nordic origin is higher than it is of indicatng Jewish origin.
Which further proves your deceit.
Why did you very selectivly choose Nordic countries, if not to give you
the statistical base you needed?
If you would do research on the origin of the name "Smith" it would make
sense to 'selectivly' choose Britain. Germany for "Schumacher", Russia
for "Smirnov". In a similiar fashion "Berg" makes sense for nordic
countries. Get the idea, ignoramus?
Now sod off,
Have another drinnkk of voddkka, you drunnkkenn Lapp.

2008-12-08 10:56:23 UTC
Post by Eli Grubman
Did what?????
Siinäpä sulle jotain mietittävää, trollipelle.
Post by Eli Grubman
If you would do research on the origin of the name "Smith" it would make
sense to 'selectivly' choose Britain. Germany for "Schumacher", Russia
for "Smirnov". In a similiar fashion "Berg" makes sense for nordic
countries. Get the idea, ignoramus?
Now sod off,
Have another drinnkk of voddkka, you drunnkkenn Lapp.
Pitääkö sun sitä tyhmyyttäs koko maailmalle kailottaa?
Poor Eli Grabmen is a Real Psychopath! LOL
2008-12-08 13:00:45 UTC
On Mon, 08 Dec 2008 05:49:13 -0500, Eli Grubman, the mental, emotional and
Post by Eli Grubman
Did what?????
No, fool. My argument is based on the fact that there are roughly
twice as
many people in the Nordic countries than there are Jews in the entire
world. Thus the probability of a surname containing <berg> indicating
Nordic origin is higher than it is of indicatng Jewish origin.
Which further proves your deceit.
Why did you very selectivly choose Nordic countries, if not to give you
the statistical base you needed?
If you would do research on the origin of the name "Smith" it would make
sense to 'selectivly' choose Britain. Germany for "Schumacher", Russia
for "Smirnov". In a similiar fashion "Berg" makes sense for nordic
countries. Get the idea, ignoramus?
Now sod off,
Have another drinnkk of voddkka, you drunnkkenn Lapp.
Psychopath Grabmen's (the famousUsenet village idiot) "fame" now also
spreading to the nordic ngs! LMAO!

Keep it up, little idiot! I'll keep assisting you in that regard.

Doctor Panta
Description of psychopathic swine Grabmen on YouTube:

Pantahose Rheitard is a pathological Grik stalker 24/7 with no penis! LOL
2008-12-08 14:38:49 UTC
On Mon, 8 Dec 2008 14:00:45 +0100, Poor Eli Grabmen is a Real
Post by Poor Eli Grabmen is a Real Psychopath! LOL
On Mon, 08 Dec 2008 05:49:13 -0500, Eli Grubman, the mental, emotional and
Post by Eli Grubman
Did what?????
No, fool. My argument is based on the fact that there are roughly
twice as
many people in the Nordic countries than there are Jews in the entire
world. Thus the probability of a surname containing <berg> indicating
Nordic origin is higher than it is of indicatng Jewish origin.
Which further proves your deceit.
Why did you very selectivly choose Nordic countries, if not to give you
the statistical base you needed?
If you would do research on the origin of the name "Smith" it would make
sense to 'selectivly' choose Britain. Germany for "Schumacher", Russia
for "Smirnov". In a similiar fashion "Berg" makes sense for nordic
countries. Get the idea, ignoramus?
Now sod off,
Have another drinnkk of voddkka, you drunnkkenn Lapp.
Psychopath Grabmen's (the famousUsenet village idiot) "fame" now also
spreading to the nordic ngs! LMAO!
Keep it up, little idiot! I'll keep assisting you in that regard.
Doctor Panta

We LAUGH at your inept stalking and your obvious desperation,
Pantahose, you ridiculous Grik swine! Greek you, a"h! LOL

<Very Bugger Griks>


